Sarah Little is one of our new members of the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport Board of Directors. Originally from Aberdeen, WA, she studied Human Services and Anthropology at Western Washington University. However, her passion for sailing first started in high school when she participated in the Project Sail Program. After college, Sarah worked for Ameri-Corps in South Lake Tahoe, where she learned more about sailing, rowing and leadership. She took a sailing class in college at WWU on Lake Whatcom, then, she worked on the historical sailing ship Lady Washington and further developed these skills.

For Sarah, volunteering on the Lady Washington was one of the most meaningful experiences of her career. While living on the sailing ship with the crew, she learned valuable lessons about working on a team. Later down the road, Sarah served as an outdoor Educator at YMCA Camp Seymour, where she taught Marine Biology, Forest Ecology and Ornithology. Sarah loved this experience because she had the opportunity to teach children lifelong outdoor skills, plus all the knowledge she gained on Lady Washington, like Sail Theory and trade routes.

Currently, Sarah is serving the Timberland Regional Library as an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion coordinator for the southwest counties of Washington State. Sarah is married to a past Lady Washington crew member and has a 7-year-old at home. She lives by the motto, “Life is a journey of new learning adventures!”

Let’s get to know her even better!

Meet Sarah

What excites you about the future?

I am excited about meeting the Strategic Planning team and listening to what values they appreciate so I can learn from them. As a Board Member of the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport, I will be committed to serving the community.

What is a favorite childhood memory?

My favorite childhood memory is hiking along the trails of Stewart Park with my dad and brother, foraging for huckleberries and looking for fairies and elves in the Pacific Northwest Forest.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love hiking, sailing, paddle boarding, kayaking, camping and spending time outdoors with family and friends exploring the Pacific Northwest.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you to the past staff and Board Members of the Grays Harbor Historical Seaport for all you have done. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve as a board member, and I can’t wait to share my skills and grow as a leader serving the community!

What is one of your favorite quotes?

“If it is not a Hell YES, it is a no.” This helps me in my decisions every day.

What is one of your favorite movies?

Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

What one thing would you tell your younger self?

Just be in the moment, be present. You will get there but now be fully and bravely here.

If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?

Tom Robbins, he is still alive!

If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?

It would be a inspirational story about a little girl from a small town who is kindly and bravely creating her own trail in life and creating her own expectations for what life can look like.

What is one of your biggest pet peeves?

Being unkind.

If you could pick an actor/actress to play you in a movie about your life, who would you pick and why?

Vivien Lyra Blair, she also played young Laia from Star Wars, so if she can rock that part, she could totally play me.

What is one item on your bucket list?

Backpack around Europe by train and work on WOOF or work on Organic Farms.

What is your favorite saying or phrase?

Enjoy this beautiful and wild life of yours.

If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?

1920’s Flapper Dresses.

If you had your own late-night talk show, who would you invite as your first guest?

Brene Brown the Author of Dare to Lead and many other books.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

We are all life-long learners, so keep learning and growing.

What was your favorite cartoon character growing up?

Storm and Rogue from the X-Men.